Monday, September 10, 2012



UPDATE: Here's a slightly extended cut of Simon Cowell's & Britney Spears' interview (with Extra) in which she further elaborates on her relationship with Christina Aguilera indicating that she (Britney) 'loves (Christina) to death':



  1. She's so boriiiing! OMG!

  2. Beyond pathetic blaming Xtina. Oh well Brits still boring nd Simon's PRESSED!

  3. Dont like how they try to Bring down the voice show by Getting Britney to work for then! She Doestn even sing! She doestn has hee carrer on her hands she is like a puppet. And xtina is good for sure.

  4. Simon is pissed and sounds like a jealous school girl. Britney looks used, abused and like she is high. Well pretty much like white trash with money but no talent.

  5. Simon go to fuckin hell puto

  6. please the title is so fake! just as fake as brits answer you can see her slighty nodding as simon is hating on the voice ... and she is a good friend to xtina lol? they haven't even probably spoken to each other for years #TeamXtina !!! ps I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!

  7. Well, Simon seems to be egging on this whole thing entirely on his own. Yes, the addition of the 3rd episode was to compete with "The X-Factor", but how that could have POSSIBLY been Christina's decision (as he implied here) is beyond me. It's silly to think that he's trying to get the stan wars started up again, but what's worse, is the fans are falling for it! Why hate on Brit? Did she do anything? They've always been a part of the opposite's career with no real involvement in the other's. Media has created a narrative between them when I hardly think there was at all. They are POLAR OPPOSITES when it comes to their work, so stop falling for this rivalry bullshit!

    But in all honesty, why does Brit look like she's choking on something the whole time/struggling to speak? She should focus on her marriage & kids and stick to that for a while cause this is not working for her! But it was nice of her to take Christina out of it a bit! :)

    And on another note, the interviewer is HOT!

  8. I wouldn't go that far to say that Britney "defended" Xtina. The way she says it seems SO fake. It's almost like Britney is forced to say that.

  9. How annoying, does Britney really think that she can compete with xtina? I mean c'mon are her and Demi going to compare scars this first episode? What can they possibly do to to make this first episode so amazing? It's totally apparent britney is on the xtina factor bandwagon.. Eerie? Bitch stop copying trendsettertina!!

  10. Go xtina... Britney left her behind... Xtina real high quality diva ever among the competition of young pop star..... So people have noticed who's real and who's fake... LoL

  11. What the F*** happend with that Britney we used to know! she was charming and funny!! I am a huge Xtina´s fan but i always liked Britey, but now i see this.. it doesn´t make any sense.. her voice is weird she acts like she wouldn´d give a sh*t about this interview... That´s sad // And no comments for that old piece of sh*it who´s next to her

  12. I could care less for this vid, I did not watch it and I will not watch the show they belong to.

  13. Wow if Britney is going to be as outspoken on the show as she was on this interview they got themselves a hit show lol .... wazzup w her voice sounds like she was chain smoking just right before the interview.... didn't she use to be at least a lil sweet n funny?? Man she's changed n well no comment about the douche bag next to her .

  14. Britney seems really nice, no mean bone to her body. But I think, she left her personality in 1999. Why is she so damn boring now? I mean, she looks as if she was just put in front of the camera. She looks uneasy and awkwardly humble. She's Britney Spears! If shes gonna be on a reality show like xfactor she has to bring drama excitement and conviction. Sadly, she looks as if she'd rather be elsewhere than do this interview.

    1. she'd rather be cashing her checks!

  15. I find it kind of pathetic how Simon is just walking Britney from interview to interview like she's his prized show pony.

  16. I think we're witnessing a desparate man who's struggling with the fact that he's loosing his relevancy. The Cowell novelty is wearing off, times have changed, he should just except it and try to be mature about it.

  17. ewwwwwwww irrelevant floptina fans hahaha using unretouched britney but floptina not hhahahah

  18. Starting to think some people on here want Britney to dislike Xtina. You can be a fan of Christina while still liking Britney especially since they've both come out and said that they are friends. Not to mention they went on tour together in 2003.
