Friday, April 27, 2012


As most of you know, yesterday afternoon a video of UK native boy group 'The Wanted' was posted where they were asked about performing on 'The Voice' and Christina Aguilera. When asked about Christina they responded with calling her a "... Bitch" a number of times and then going off to say that she's "... nothing special".

Watch the video below to see the interview for yourself. They start the shit talking at the 3:00 minute mark.

After the video made it's way around Twitter, a backstage runner for 'The Voice' decided to speak up about the whole 'The Wanted' and Christina Aguilera situation.

Here is what he had to say:
I'm a backstage runner at The Voice and I've been telling all my friends about this new boyband acting like divas when they were on the show last week.

Both Christina and Adam did NOT like them at all. The guy named Tom in the band asked Christina if she felt more beautiful now that she lost all that weight? We were all shocked! She didn't quite hear the whole question and asked her assistant if she heard what he said? But then Max jumped in and said "She is beautiful no matter what you say" in mocking kind of way. Christina's boyfriend Matt Rutler was also backstage and didn't like what he was hearing. Finally Christina said, "You boys better calm down and focus on yourselves." She walked off really mad when Tom came out and told her not to worry and that "Britney still needs to work on her looks too for X Factor. It must be all those drugs she is on." Christina was so mad!

The rest of the evening Christina ignored them. The boys didn't understand why but then one of their assistants reminded them of the stuff they said earlier about Christina's weight loss and Britney's bad looks and drug taking. Nathan (who is also in the band) was really upset those things were ever said but the other guys ignored him. Tom said, "Why is she acting like such a bitch for?" Max agreed saying they were only joking around. So awkward!

Anyway, on a brighter note, Christina was backstage, after the show wrapped, cuddling Ashley De La Rosa, her contestant who was voted off the show. It was really sweet!

Karma is a bitch because Billboard estimates The Wanted's debut album will chart with less than 40k next week! Meanwhile, rival boyband One Direction debuted a few weeks ago with over 400k and have expressed their love for both Christina & Britney.
Then he went on to say:

They were so demanding as well asking for things just because they can. Florence Welch was on this week and was an absolute dream to assist. Bieber last week had his own people attending to him so I didn't really see much of him.

I'm a huge Britney fan and I was seething when they basically called Britney ugly and said she was on drugs. They were so nasty about it too. Their rehearsals were over in less than 15 mins because they insisted they didn't need to prep. I wish someone told them how awful they sounded!

Source: DigitalSpy
We're not sure if this is true or not but we wouldn't be surprised if it was. Christina wouldn't be a bitch to someone for no apparent reason especially other artists unless they did something, right?

True or not, these fucking prepubescent pieces of shit shouldn't bad mouth anyone or call a woman "bitch".

Let us know what you think about this entire thing. Did they have a justifiable reason to call a Christina "bitch" on radio/video?


  1. Even if Christina had been snobbish, They still wouldn't have the right to say all those things about her. It was totally disrespectful and unecessary!
    I don't know if that's true or not and I honestly don't care, just think these boys owned some respect to the lady, for who she is!
    But I think we should get used to people attacking the Diva all the time! That's just how it is!
    After all, these people disappear and Xtina will be always there! ;)

  2. I'm really amazed @ what I have just read more so Becos Christina is a legend & a natural singer who has been a true artist way way b4 unwanted so no matter what the respect should be there just on that basis & the fact that they couldn't hold a stage on their own & need to be In a group. Groups are for people who ain't really that good on their own. The group names says it all UNWANTED & they clearly are by me. Anyway Christina & britney shouldn't let it get to then 4 anyone that puts someone down Is clearly jealous of them. Haters never win & clearly fame has got to their heads when it should make u humble & greatful

    1. Oh wow 'UNWANTED' go get a life.......

  3. I don't think this is true. An up and coming band who hasn't proven anything yet wouldn't do such a thing while they're still trying to become relevant in the US. Crap.

    1. You don't think they'd do that? What the fuck? I'm sorry but they called here a fucking 'bitch' on video, and to top it off they said she was nothing special. So if they had the audacity to say that shit on tape I'm sure the backstage story has some truth to it.

      I wouldn't be surprise if it were true.

      Fuck them. I wish I could piss on 'em.

    2. I think they would have more common sense not to comment on her weight. I understand they called her a 'bitch' and believe that she did just ignore them.

  4. Who the f**k are they to tell something like that about her??!!!!!!! The'R noone!! They are so full of them selfs :S :S :S :S

  5. Her pissed off look from that night makes so much more sense now I would be seething too if someone was talking shit to me about me AND one of my oldest friends. I can't wait to see their album and career flop harder than a Ciara song!

  6. I think maybe it's a common case of "putting your foot in it" ... I do think that Siva, and Jay didn't really do anything wrong, when they did say something at least they said it in a semi-polite way "she was a bit rude" ... Tom calling her a "Total Bitch" was just inappropriate and childish, max wasn't much better ... They should have listened to the Nathan who obviously has a bit of sense... Not sure that their sucess in the US is gunna last, I think Tom and Max need their egos de-flating ...

  7. The Wanted would never say a thing like that, the runner might be making it up to make a story or he may have overheard something and interpreted it wrong, they are lovely guys and what they said in their interview was the truth, I don't know enough about Christina so I can't make a judgement but I have met the guys numerous amounts of times in the UK as theyhave been huge here for a couple of years and they would never say that to her face! Never!

    1. Well obviously they just called her a bitch in the video. So there's the wanted for you. No matter what she did or how she acted they still shouldn't have bad mouthed her like that. It's disrespectful and shows they are not turn men if they don't know how to treat a women with respect

    2. So let me get this right? They should lie and say she is wonderful? Everybody knows Christina is a bitch. You can even tell it when watching the show. She's extremely snobby.

  8. I've been a Christina fan since the late 90's and time after time artist have said she's a bitch, if she was a male no one would care. At the the end these stupid kids the "Wanted" ( big explication points" ) are using Christina just as Lady Gaga did to get noticed. Nothing says look at me as talking shit about a well established artis that has stood above the test of time.

  9. If I were Christina Aguilera, I'd be a bitch to these fools too!!

  10. who are they in the 1st place? all i can say they are heading for Career Doomsday!

    Luq from Singapore

  11. ...And Xtina will be much more stronger. Critics will increase her power. She just needs to be quiet. It's her gold to not answer their disrespectful.

  12. These one cell individuales, demostrated that their insides match their outsides, UGLY


  14. First was Avril Lavigne call Xtina "arrogant" times ago, after was Kelly Osbourne (one woman than is famous just for be Ozzie Osborne's daughter, not for her talent) ofend also Xtina in her fahion show "b*tch" and fat and now looks was the once of one band with name "The Wanted" where our Xtina back be the mainly victim nÂș1 where also is called "b*tch", "woman nothing attractive" and "arrogant".
    I think the why of this band (and the rest) ofend with ugly names XTina are for these three simple reasons:

    1st.) For the fact they feel very jealous of the fact Xtina be one singer with very talent and with one voice worthy of one big diva (Avril (the only of thse "haters" than i not dislike but was unhappy in call to one of my favourite singer Xtina "arrogant") for exemple not have this diva voice, she looks have yes a teen's voice and i think thats why she call once Xtina arrogant). Kelly Osborne also cant sing). In the movie where she enter, Burlesque, Xtina also proof she can be one "actress";

    2nd.) Christina is a woman very beautifull (for me i think is way better than Jennifer Lopez, the one than "The Wanted" praised in call "attractive" than also was just praised for she are collaborate with them) and same being actually "fat" continued be so beauty like before was (something than Kelly has never been and continued not be, same she are currently slim)

    3rd.)They said these bad words for see if have easy fame at the expense of Xtina seen than she is a singer very famous (before "The Wanted" haved said these bad words to Xtina, i really unknown about this band's existence)

    Now i just hope see this band being a flop (in case of sucess, they fall fast) for they learn a lesson from the way how they treat one Diva like Xtina!
    And sure XTINA 4EVER <3 (Nobody will can't down her because "she's not metter what these "haters" say)
