Friday, February 14, 2014



  1. I can't believe she's marrying that free-loader. Ugh sorry like I'm trying to be supportive but it's hard the guy lives of her and does nothing for a living since he met her except follow her around like a puppy. And before anyone says he's a production assistant or weather he was on Burlesque, no he's not ANYMORE he hasn't worked since he met her I mean why would he bother when she's supporting him financially. She obviously bought the ring herself or at least paid for it. I guess that's fine if one makes more money than the other to get a ring she really wants I mean if I wanted a nice ring I've no problem helping pay for it but since he doesn't earn a penny so she would have HAD to buy her own ring. It's just kind of annoying I guess I just don't think he's good enough for her which I know is a very rude thing to say but how can I deny how I feel after years of supporting her she ends up with this sponge? I just see him as another K-fed and I don't trust him. She better get a pre-nup or else she'll be his meal ticket the rest of his life. Yes it's her decision bla bla bla and I know we know little about what he's like personally but what we DO know is he's no job and lives of her which I as a hard working female disagree with and I never through X would be someone to let some leech live of her.I can't pretend I'm delighted for her. I'll support her anyway and I wont speak about this again but I had to get that off my chest hopefully somewhere were fans can understand I just needed to let that out. Even if people disagree there's no denying that most fans I speak to daily were also very cautious of Matt so I know I'm not alone with my distrust for him even if nobody else admits it and wants to pretend they're happy about this.

  2. Matthews got himself a nice meal ticket for life then -eye roll-

  3. why does it matter if he works? he makes her happy. they make EACHOTHER happy. that's a pretty colossal task.

  4. Because he shouldn't live his life off her no man should do that! Lol the audacity of you to ask that! What man should just sponge of their wife? I've no doubt he makes her happy after all he'd be renting a studio apartment without her.
