Tuesday, May 8, 2012


After last nights events I found myself drained of energy and a little distraught.

I never thought that someone Christina had collaborated with would turn around and pretty much use their finalist final performance to indirectly call her a bitch on national television.

Read this amazing and thought out article that pretty much breaks down last nights horrendous and juvenile attack on a woman on national television.
During its first season, I was a huge fan of The Voice, a singing competition on NBC currently in season two. The talent level on the show last year was just ridiculous and introduced me to one of my favorite artists, Dia Frampton. This year, the competition has been a bit on the underwhelming side, but I continued to watch in hopes that someone would begin to stand out, and thankfully that happened—Juliet Simms, the only woman among the four finalists, is a true star. She's an electric performer with a voice that can tell a story all by itself.

The fact that she's the only woman in the finals on a show where Christina Aguilera is the only woman on the judges' panel is particularly worth noting after a disgusting exchange on Monday night's episode when the finalists performed one more time in an attempt to win the competition.

(For those who don't watch the show, each of the four celebrity judges picks a team of singers which is slowly whittled down to one. The four finalists then compete in a grand finale to see which of the contestants—and judges—wins.)

Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine's finalist, Tony Lucca, who has to date made his way through the competition by way of a shortcut through Gimmick Avenue (and an assist from his coach, who gave him a higher rating than his semi-final female opponent Katrina Parker, because he enjoyed the "bromance" they had, allowing Tony to advance despite the fact that America voted 52-48 for Katrina), performed his last song, and the choice was a country-tinged cover of Jay-Z's "99 Problems," a song in which the hook is the line "If you're havin' girl problems, I feel bad for you son / I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one."

After Tony performed "99 Problems" on last night's episode, the judges were asked for their responses. Christina, who has in the past criticized Tony for being one-dimensional (and also knows him personally, as they were on The Mickey Mouse Club together), told him he had a great voice and then added, "Your beautiful wife and your daughter, and family are here tonight, and I just thought, you know, the lyrical connotation was a little derogatory towards women...but all in all it was good fun."

Let's pause here: Note how restrained that statement is. The song relies heavily on misogynist language, but Christina didn't even spend her entire critique talking about that—she complimented Tony on the performance and gave a barely passing mention of the fact that the lyrics are problematic, yet it still earned her the misogynist wrath of Tony's coach, Adam.

When it came time for his critique, Adam responded with, "First of all, just to clarify so you all know, the intent behind this song, we talked about this for hours, Tony and I, and you know, the ___ ain't one is life getting' at you, things bringing you down, you know, we're not referring to women, we're referring to everything."

Christina said, "It says 'if you're having girl problems,' so it IS a girl."

Adam responded by talking over her and saying in an extremely condescending tone, "It's called a metaphor," a line that was met with nauseating, wild applause from the studio audience, at which point Adam took off his flannel shirt to reveal a "Team Xtina" t-shirt underneath—thus obliging Christina to applaud after he'd insulted her, or risk losing as though she doesn't support her remaining team member, who, of course, is Tony's competitor and had yet to perform his solo number.

There is so much vile shit to unpack in this that it's tough to even know where to start.

First, Christina is the only woman on this four-judge panel, and she was the only one to even make the most passing mention of the problematic and misogynist lyrics—and when she did so, it was in the least aggressive way she possibly could have, yet her comments were still met with MORE misogyny. She was shouted down, talked to like she was clueless and hysterically overreacting, and met with derisive and dismissive words simply for pointing out the misogynist lyrics. Basically, she got treated like shit for ruining the fun misogyny party for all the men! It's so much more fun when there aren't women around to complain, amirite?! (Or men, but men who complain about that kind of shit are either totally gay or basically women anyway, for sure).

Adam, meanwhile, came prepared. Several websites have reported that an even more severe argument broke out between Adam and Christina during rehearsals for Monday night's show, with multiple but unconfirmed reports that Adam called her a "cunt," in the process. I'm somehow inclined to think there's probably quite a bit of truth to that after seeing last night's show—especially since he had that "Team Xtina" tee at the ready, if she challenged him on-air.

Adam's claim that the line "99 problems but a bitch ain't one" is about "life getting at you," is a total non-starter, metaphor or not (spoiler alert: not!). Let's say it really is just a metaphor—which is an awfully generous interpretation—it is still a problem. If you're applauding a song that uses misogynist language to talk about life being tough, using the word "bitch" as a placeholder for various woes is STILL misogynist! "Life's a bitch" still relies on anti-woman sentiment.

(See also: Using the feminine as a symbol for "mayhem.")

And rather than perhaps admit that Christina might have had a point worth hearing, Adam responded aggressively with more misogyny toward her, as misogynists are apt to do when challenged—so challenged by even the slightest, most non-aggressive hint that they might be contributing to a serious problem.

He was ready for this exact confrontation (again: "Team Xtina" shirt at the ready), and was prepared to ensure that, in a space where defending a misogynist song would receive huge applause, he would also be able to deflect any meaningful criticism. Christina found herself in that spot that has been oft discussed here—she could continue to defend acknowledging the problematic aspects of the song and reject Adam's dismissive response to her and get accused of being a "bitch" and ruining the show (and even without continuing on, she was still accused of those things in recaps this morning), or she could let it go, stay silent on it for the remainder of the night, and allow the show to continue as if nothing had happened. That's the untenable position she found herself in—the terrible bargain.

This exchange on the show last night is a perfect example of the problems with a culture so steeped in misogyny—the purveyors of it are the ones who receive applause. Those who challenge it are shouted down with more misogyny as though their concerns are the result of hypersensitivity, as though there can be no meaningful discussion to be seriously had about how misogynist language is harmful to both women AND men, because they can't even be bothered to recognize that there is any kind of problem inherent in that language to begin with.

I appreciate what Christina Aguilera does on this show every night, because this is really just the obvious, out-in-the-open breaking point of a season full of more underhanded, insidious misogyny that has been directed at her. It was especially nice to see her with her finalist, opera singer Chris Mann, onstage after his "thank you" performance to her. She got up out of her chair, embraced him, joined him on stage and told the audience, "This is a real man. A real man respects women."

While noting the problem with "real" language, it was a nice, and honestly touching, moment, to see her there after having been the target of such an ugly display so soon before, standing alongside a man whom she truly seems to like, respect, and care for, and to see him return that tenfold as he stood alongside a woman he genuinely respects, and likes, and cares for.

The whole thing—the audience's reaction not only to the performance itself, but to Adam's attacks on Christina afterward, reminded me so hard that if there is one thing America seems to love so dearly, it's men who openly hate women.

I'll say this—I've got plenty of problems in my life. Maybe 99. Maybe more. Maybe fewer. But I do know that if Tony Lucca and Adam Levine win tonight—finding time to watch The Voice next season sure as fuck isn't going to be one of them anymore.

[Notes: If there is any further incident on tonight's finale, I will post a follow-up tomorrow. Also, my thanks to Liss for helping me tease out some of the ideas in this post.]
Source: Shakesville
I just want to thank whoever took the time to write this amazing article about the more than obvious misogyny that 'The Voice' feeds off of.

I really hope that Christina thinks twice about signing on for a 3rd Season of 'The Voice'. She doesn't deserve all the disrespect that she's been getting from a douche bag that's career pretty much got it's second chance because of 'The Voice'.

No woman should ever be targeted or disrespected on national television, especially by two grown ass "men".

I want to congratulate and give Miss Christina Aguilera a round of applause for standing her ground in an arena full of people (teenage girls) rooting for Adam Levine. You truly are a classy woman with morals and standards.

People will try and try again to bring her down, but what they tend to forget is that Christina CAN'T be brought down, she CAN'T be fazed by the childish acts that come from follow peers and onlookers, she CAN'T be anyone else but herself, and she is HERE TO STAY.

You aren't alone momma, we're here for you. Fighters for life.

What did you guys think about the performance and about the article?


  1. I like this report! I have to agree that 2 grown up BAS**** need to grow up and be more professional. With or without this show, CHRISTINA AGUILERA WILL FOREVER BE A FIGHTER!

    Luq from Singapore

  2. Christina Aguilera is such a respectable figure. I've yet to see a flaw in the way she upholds herself, and that is something, coming from me. She is a free-spirited, wonderfully talented woman who creates/portrays beautiful music. I would listen to anything that comes from this woman's mouth.

    In regards to the way Adam Levine has treated Christina Aguilera, I am not surprised in any way. He is a washed-up male singer, and the only reason his career did get back on track is because of The Voice, as well as Christina. For instance, "Moves Like Jagger" would honestly be one of the shittiest songs I've ever heard if Miss Aguilera hadn't been featured in it.

    I feel as if Christina definitely knows what her boundaries are, and when to pick her battles. Adam showed his ass off, and if it was a regular person in every day life, he would be looked at as if he were a bumbling idiot... As he is, at any rate. Unfortunately, teenage girls want his dick, and have envious feelings towards Christina as a whole (as everyone should, because that is talent you CANNOT find anywhere else), so that fuels his idiocracy. Also, his lack of respect towards his pupils (for lack of better word) is unbelievable. He had quite a few more talented people on his team, in comparison to this Mickey Mouse washed-up singer, but chose to stick with him as long as possible, in order to further his ignorant "bromance."

    All I can say is that Christina works her ass off, and is on that show for that right reasons. That can't be said for one or two of her fellow teammates, and that is an unfortunate fact.

  3. I totally agree w/ this article, i cant believe how many people are taking adam's side when clearly he was the attacker and christina the attacked. But i think Chris should be back one more season just to show that she's a fighter and that she wont leave just b/c of adam, plus she is the only real coach and judge.

    We love you Chris and we will support you!!!

  4. No people r no longer taking his side, not now when the truth has been told, and if they r obviously they did not follow the mess that adam and puca created....


  5. Uhhh Christina signed up for season 3 awhile ago. Don't you remember all the hoopla because they said she was getting paid 10 million??

  6. the one thing missing that added proof that the song was aimed at Christina is after his performance Tony said that Adam had wanted him to wear a team xtina shirt as well, but the show wouldnt let him.

  7. I have been mortified by the way Adam and Tony treated Christina during the last few weeks of the show. It's especially painful for me to deal with this because I have been a Maroon 5 fan since 2003. (I even bought their last album 3 times so that I could get the deluxe edition, the iTunes exclusive bonus track that was Album Only, and "Moves Like Jagger" in a high-quality format.) I'm not so sure about labeling this as an act of misogyny, but there is one piece of evidence that points toward this some more: the Maroon 5 song, "Hands All Over." There is a part in the song where Adam sings "pretty little thing, don't get upset" to a fictitious woman. The first time I heard that lyric, I felt a bit uncomfortable. I thought maybe I was overreacting, but after seeing the way he has dealt with Christina on this show, I can't help but wonder.... Regardless, I honestly don't know if I will buy any future Maroon 5 albums after this fiasco (regardless of whether or not they have horrible Wiz Khalifa collaborations).

    I don't know what things were like behind the scenes between Tony and Christina and Adam during the whole show, but I have a feeling a lot more has happened than what we saw on the show. There were a few times where I felt Christina was truthful, but could have been less pointed in the way that she critiqued Tony. However, if he and/or Adam were being mean to her behind the scenes, I can see how it could be hard to keep from being more firm with him. It was heartbreaking to hear what sounded like the majority of the audience siding with Adam after his "it's called a metaphor" comment. It was one of those statements that sounds good if you don't actually stop and think about it.

    Unless Christina makes every episode of the next season a love fest where she tells everyone that they're wonderful (because that's what a woman is *supposed* to do, right?), the majority of viewers will keep writing her off as a horrible person. That's just not Christina's personality, though. She's not hateful, but she is honest. When you live through the kind of childhood she endured, truth is particularly important. Truth isn't always warm and cozy, and people who want to be performing artists need to be ready for it in all its permutations. I wish people would stop expecting Christina to be like Paula Abdul and Jennifer Lopez. Everyone can use more positivity in their lives, but telling someone their performance was flawless when you didn't really think so would be disingenuous. There are clever ways to suggest areas that could use improvement, and maybe Christina could attempt that in the next season. I just hope this last season of the show doesn't cause her upcoming album to tank. That would be a complete nightmare for her, and that's the last thing she needs.
