Thursday, August 5, 2010


The trailer for "Burlesque" hit the web today (see it after the jump!), and if all that statement inspires is an "Oh, that Christina Aguilera movie?" response, then prepare to be impressed. I've been a fan of Christina's music for a while, but either because of the shoddy quality of the trailer that I watched or the fact that she might actually have some acting chops in her film debut, it honestly took me a while to realize that lead character Ali Rose was the lady behind "Fighter" and "Beautiful."

That is, until she gets a chance to sing.

But first, that cast! I melt every time I see Eric Dane's face on the big (or small screen), so having him play Ali's love interest was brilliant casting for at least the "Grey's Anatomy" crowd (and hopefully anyone with a brain, because there's a reason he's McSteamy). And then there's Cam Gigandet, who plays a guy who works at the burlesque bar Ali finds in Los Angeles, and I think we have more hot men than we can handle in one film.

Add that to Oscar winners Cher (who is in her element here, so don't be frightened off) and Stanley freakin' Tucci. This guy's got it all, and could act his way out of a can of peas, so seeing him just made my day that much brighter. And then, as if those four weren't enough, you've got Kristen Bell, Julianne Hough (yes, from the "Footloose" remake), Peter Gallagher and Alan Cumming, and you've got a great, great, great cast.

I'm not discounting what looks like it could be a good performance from Christina, either. As I mentioned earlier, it's her first time ever in a film, so this could definitely make or break her (hello Mariah and Britney). But I like the idea of Christina going back to what worked for her before on film (of course I mean "Moulin Rouge") and making it her own. She has an amazing voice, and really she seems like the perfect choice to be starring in this film. I am excited for November 24.

Were you as wowed by this trailer as I was? Does anyone else's heart flutter whenever they see Eric Dane?

Hollywood Crush.MTV
Credits: Mo-Xtina

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