Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Christina, which sides of you can we expect on your new album „Bionic“?
Oh, the album is mainly dedicated to the robotic elements of my voice. I love electronic music, I always wanted to do more of it.
Your first experiences with techno and electro?
With 15 I listened to “Firestarter” by Prodigy. I loved it’s hardness and the voice (sings “Firestarter” with British accent). I always thought, such a techno album is what I want to do some day. I like the mechanical.
Let’s talk about competition in your business. I think everyone who says he doesn’t care about competition is a liar.
I don’t think about this word at all. Everything that has no relation to my personal idea of music and creativity is irrelevant. (she doesn’t look into your eyes. She says she has panic to look at someone directly because that’s too intimate.)
Interesting, you always hear that from men. Women rather ask if people like something or not.
Not me. If I had done everything people wanted me to do I wouldn’t be at the place I am now, whether as a woman or man. When I’m recording, I virtually lock myself up in my studio. I do not listen to anything else.
That means you haven’t heard or seen anything about Lady Gaga in the last month? People already compare Bionic to Lady Gaga’s sound.
I bet they are. (Pause. Longer pause. But what should she answer? She sips furtively at her starbucks cup)
Lady Gaga is pretty often naked. Do you have to boost your own ‘gaganess’ to top her?
I can only talk about my own sex. I never felt sexier. Sex always has been a big part of my life and work. But today I feel better than ever in my skin. And now I understand how I get exactly what I want.
The Ring you’re wearing on a picture is from Parisian designer Bethany Vernon and connects thumb and forefinger. They say it’s either a yoga or a sex ring, depending on the application?
(Thinks about it briefly, then she says very proudly) Aaaaaaah, you mean my blowjob ring?
Not a simple yoga ring?
No, no! Works with lubricating cream. It simplifies the position of your hand. Of course I never used it but I thought it looked amazing. And I like my female hands with this ring. I like to look at female hands. In general I prefer to have a look at women.
According to a men magazine most of the women would, if they had an affair with a woman, choose you…
Amazing, such a compliment. By the way, I prefer to look at female than male strippers.
Male strippers don’t work. They are hilarious. Women think strippers like the Chippendales are in truth embarrassing.
By any means.
If I had a female affair, it would be with Madonna. You kissed her before, how did you like it?
It was short.
It was a show kiss?
No, not at all. It was just short. (She blushes a bit under the make-up, it must have appealed to her.)
They say you adore Cher so much, you would even drink her bathwater.
Who could be a bigger idol? She has done everything, seen everything. During the shooting, I absorbed every sentence she said, every move she made like a sponge. She’s my mentor and my friend.
You are obsessed with costumes just like her?
I can’t live without drama. On my last tour I had a lot of circus acrobats. I need big hair, big make up and whenever you can have fun somewhere, call me! I get bored quickly. “Burlesque” is made for me: women, sex and dancing, that’s where I’m present!

Editor's Note:
This Interview is simply amazing. I love how she just so nonchalant about the whole BLOW JOB RING. LOL. Apparently she says that she has never used it, but I'm sure she has used it at least once? Or twice? I'm getting tired of all these interviewers talking to Christina and asking her questions about the comparisons between her and Gaga. I just kind of wish Christina would just RIP the haters a new asshole. UGH! Love you Christina.

1 comment:

  1. Tbh this interview is not totally positive one, its more unsure and also metioning Gaga and Madonna as one and only inspiration making it seem Christina is not original or herself. Also its a bit like the interviewer speaks about her like an Animal in a Zoo you know like : Oh look at Xtina, she is quite a strange creature....blah blah

    I am german and i bought the magazine, well its not a complete bash but also not positive. It suspects that Christina is doing stuff Like gaga but also admits she did it before Gaga but actually does most of Madonna's stuff they heard glam and said about it it sounds like Vouge 2010, SO that Galliano and everybody else have something to Vouge about thanks to Christina. Also she describes her as Little in fact mini and that she felt she couldn't give her a hand shake bc she would break it. and so on. All in all it leaves a she is strange message...

    BUt lol there is nothing like Bad Press :P They put her on the cover , which is great.
