Thursday, April 15, 2010

Is Lady Gaga’s Beef With Christina Aguilera Her Best Feud Yet?

Perhaps it’s all just part of the Fame, but we’re shaking our heads at the number — and diversity — of respected music stars who have taken aim at pop queen Lady Gaga lately. It’s been a long time since a mainstream star has triggered so much open, public debate over every aspect of their art. Some (Roisin Murphy, Kerli, etc.) charge that Gaga jacked their style or look. Others (Team Aguilera) accuse her of ripping off their music, while M.I.A. blasts her for adopting avant-garde style without the substance (see them face off in pics here). How long can Gaga remain on top when the rest of the pop world is creating such a toxic atmosphere around her?

This is one of the first, and maybe the most historically significant, fights in Gaga’s career. (It’s also one of the best, because unlike almost all the others, it centers on two artists who are both relevant, global stars on relatively equal ground.)

The most recent volley in the ongoing Gaga vs. X-Tina battle (which dates back to early 2009) came earlier this month, when producer Claude Kelly (who wrote four tracks for Christina’s upcoming Bionic) told VIBE, that comparisons to the “Dirrty” singer are “crap… Christina Aguilera has been around for over 10 years now. As far as pop goes, she is the defining voice of today’s music. She can do things with her voice that I haven’t heard anybody else do.”

Fair enough. But Akon, who gave Gaga a much-needed big break when he signed the then-unknown singer to his Kon Live Distribution label, shot back at Kelly’s claim, and spoke to VIBE himself. The singer/producer says he misses “the old Christina Aguilera” and there’s “not even any competition” as to who is the more successful pop act. “You are actually giving Christina too much credit. She always had her cool little look and way about how she went about things. But soon as Gaga came out everything switched up. Christina stepped out of her own shell to become something different.”

Yes, the producers and associates are doing the talking now — and that may change as Christina steps out and starts doing promotion for her album — but back in the beginning, Christina and Gaga weren’t afraid to face each other directly.

All the way back in early 2009, many were accusing Christina of ripping off a then-relatively unknown Gaga’s look — the two pop stars shared a curiously similar taste in hairstyles and stage wardrobes.. However, Christina denied that she even knew who Gaga was: “I’m not quite sure who this person is, to be honest. I don’t know if it is a man or a woman. I just wasn’t sure. I really don’t spend any time on the Internet, so I guess I live a little under a rock in that respect.”

Gaga was more than happy for the comparisons, since she was essentially still just a blip on the pop-culture radar before this “scandal” positioned her closer to the spotlight. “They saw a huge, Grammy-winning star who’s been around for years and they recognized Lady Gaga,” she reportedly said. “That to me is quite an accomplishment.”


Source: Idolator

Authors Note:
I have been approached about posting articles about the possible FEUD that our girl LEGENDTINA has with miss Lady Gaga. I honestly don't see anything wrong with it. I, as a fan, personally love to read anything and anything that has our girls name on it, and if it means that I have to read articles that focus on a FEUD that might or might not be real then so be it.
What do you guys think about me posting about the possible FEUD these two women have? Please let me know your thoughts in a comment. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Lady Gaga has nothing on Christina! Christina has been around for a lot longer, and her music is beautiful and thoughtful, as well as sexual and liberating. Lady Gaga only sings about sex, dancing, and drinking; She has to wear shit loads of make-up and a wig, she can't just be herself. Probably, and this was in an article I read here on AguileraOnline, this stems from her days in high school when she was overweight and a brunette and apparently made fun of, now she is afraid no one will like her for herself, so she puts on this mask. When it's all over Christina will still be around, because Christina takes her music and art to another level, but Gaga, she relies too much on the novelty of her avant garde fashion sense. Once people see past the glitter and glam, they'll realize she's nothing special.
