Monday, January 4, 2010

Christina and Cher to Present at the Golden Globes

Christina Aguilera’s New Year’s resolution isn’t new at all.

“To continue having the best life ever” is her resolution for 2010, she said while hosting a New Year’s party at Tao Las Vegas Thursday. “I paved the way for the work this year [2009].

Her 2010 is shaping up to be extremely active, with a new album on the way and her movie [Burlesque], costarring Cher, set to be released. The two of them will also be presenters at the Golden Globes on Jan. 17.

“The album is done, the movie I’m [still] filming,” she said. “Doing film is a whole different animal … The schedule is grueling, but it’s been really amazing and an incredible learning experience.”

Of all the moments in 2009, the one that most sticks out, she noted, was seeing son Max, who turns 2 Jan. 12, celebrate Christmas – which she considers the highlight of the year.

“That was the best memory, his face and seeing his everything come to life with Santa,” she says. “It was really amazing.”

Source: People

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