Tuesday, November 13, 2012




  1. OMG! watching this send chills down my spine!

    Luq from Singapore

  2. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Queen♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  3. shit! what happened in 2.38? our girl got pitchy!! loved it anyway

  4. Nice costume. She looked sexy.

  5. Are u guys deaf or blind!!????? That performance was awful!!!!! Im very dissapointed in Christina. And WTF was she wearing she looked FAT!!!!!! Yes i said it!!! For the first time i have to admit it. That costume did not flatter her!!!!! Im such a fan but at this point I dont know what to think. I just hope she sings a ballad at AMA's and show her true talent instead of making a fool out of herself.

  6. Christina doesn't care what people think. Its really a shame that her "so-called" fans are being distasteful at this point. She needs our support and some of you suck. I LOVED this performance! READ THE DEDICATION to you (her fans/flowers) in her album. Maybe you will understand it then.

  7. to Santi whatever your name is, I was actually at the taping of this today, and i can say she does not look fat. You really need to understand the def before just go obnoxiously throwing it around. Yeah shes thicker but shes not fat, sorry your uncomfortable with watching her be comfortable in her own skin, which if you were a real fan you wouldnt need me to explain, PLUS this was the 4th take on the performance because they had tech difficulties so it was literally her 4th time sining the song and performing it so excuse her if she was out of breath and it wasnt her best performance, let me not have to take a page from the Britney file for you to have to be reminded she SINGS LIVE. Get it together the only fool on this is you.

    1. Yeah im the fool? U can even accept whats evident. But oh well that's you. I stand corrected! I feel that a true fan will and can tell it like it is.

  8. EPIC!! Xtina's vocal is awesome..

  9. This was just bad... there was nothing good about this performance at all, i'm so disappointed in her i just hope her AMA performance is better.

  10. I`m sorry but I have to agree with those who say it was an awful performance. Why the hell is she wearing her halloween wig with the crown and all? Gurl loves to make things easy to the haters... If MTWM is the 2nd single we can say goodbye to the Lotus era, which is sad cause the album is freaking amazing. Sometimes I hate that I love this woman so much...

  11. It was great and fun... but "that" scream. Oh my GOD!!! When she was younger she never failed... :(

  12. She just does not care anymore, if she wants to keep her "legend" title then she needs to stop fucking around and actually care what people thin of her.

  13. Some fans are totally backfighting Christina. Disappointing.

    First of all, even though she had a pitchy moment in the end its still undeniable that our girl can still SING.

    Christina has gained weight. Deal with it.

    Stop being a hater. Just enjoy the music.

  14. I DO NOT care AT ALL about her weight. But I do care about her voice and how she sings, and she not only had a PITCHY moment when she had to shine... I think she also forgot the lyrics twice and though I love her, I cannot support that, and not the day when her album is being released.

    I also think that right now she cannot allow herself to make that kind of mistakes. And it is not about what people think, but about the quality she delivers (that used to be unique and her strenght... THE VOICE).

    I do not think she is happy with this performance.

  15. I dont think at all she looks fat...she is normal and if being normal is being fat..people you are sick!!
    It's not so bad that she made a mistake...It's the first time I see her have a problem on stage and for someone who always signs live it's nothing...btw Lotus is great so much better than Bionic!! Go xtina!!!

  16. Stay positive fellas..

  17. Im agree with those people who thinks that this performance Was awful, and this is not about she got fat, is that she SCREAMS!!! Including the mistake, but in my own opinnion I love Christina cuz she used to sound equal singing live and on an álbum. Lately when she sing live she just changes the song with her screams and don't sing the lyrics how should be :( and I wonder if she will do things like that on a concert? Because being that way I wouldn't find me excited to go to a Xtina's concert. I hope she beggins to work with that because if she don't maybe she would lost a lot of fans! And sorry for my english :P

  18. Poor promotion, poor single choices. Christina or her management has a habit of choosing the wrong singles. I have high hopes for Lotus. It's actually a solid album. Our girl better nail her AMA performance or else I'm gonna be so pissed. It's too early to say Lotus is a flop. If she just releases Just A Fool or Let There Be Love as a proper follow up to Your Body then we have a chance.

  19. You wanna know something?! She's not fat!!!! She's actully skinny ok! And the performance was great!!! I loved it!!! She's been through a lot in her life so just leave her alone!!! I love her to much to be made fun of this much so just leave her alone!!!!!!!! I love you Christina and will always stand up for you no matter what!!! Your a good mom and person and just don't listen to the haters!!! l love you Christina and will always stand up for you!!!!!!! From you biggest fan ever!!!!!!!
