Thursday, November 26, 2009


They are normally the restricting costume pieces of Jane Austen TV adaptations.
But corsets are very much back in the present-day - although they are more likely to be worn over, than under, clothes.
Sales of luxury fashion girdles are up 70 per cent, a Selfridges spokesman said.
The boom is thanks largely to their popularity among celebrities including singers Rihanna and Lady Gaga 'running around town in their knickers'.
Stocks of a £900 handmade feather-fringed corset sold out within 24 hours at the London department store. More of the piece, by Bordelle, were ordered, but the new stock again vanished from shelves within a day.
British designer Alex Popa, who founded Bordelle two years ago, said: 'The items are more flexible than traditional pieces.
'If you are daring enough, you could pair a corset with leggings and go out clubbing or to a party. But they can also be worn in the boudoir.'

Miss Popa says she has created corsets for Lady Gaga and singer Shakira, as well as for Christina Aguilera's new movie, Burlesque.

'The pieces are expensive, but we have had people who have wanted to get stuff from us for some time and they have saved up to buy a piece,' added the 27-year-old.


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