Friday, August 20, 2010


Where to start, where to start, where to freaking start! Hmm... well as most of you now know I got the privilege to be part of a private screening for Christina's upcoming movie 'BURLESQUE'. Let me start off by telling you the whole night was amazing. Steven Antin was in attendance sitting in the back in what looked to be very comfortable grey sofas! (Jealous). I wanted to go up to him but never got the courage too. (I think I was the only one that knew it was him) I passed by him several times and he was smoking a cigarette right in front of me after the viewing was over. Yeah I know, I know I'm a pussy for not going up to him but come on guys, I was in a whole other world. Hahahah. Well, anyways let me give you my thoughts about her acting, the movie, and the other characters.
(I would love to give you guys as much information as I can but in all honesty we literally signed out lives away. If we get caught talking about 'BURLESQUE' we will get fined $5 million. I don't have that much money to spend) My Review and Thoughts:
CHRISTINA: Her acting was sensational. That's not coming from a biased opinion I honestly thought she did a great job since it is her first time acting next to veterans like Cher, Stanley Tucci, Eric Dane, Kristen Bell, Cam Gigandet, and others. Her character was sweet, funny, and extremely vocal/persistant! When you guys see the movie you will know what I'm talking about. If I had to give her a score from 1 to 10 for her acting I would unbiasedly give her a 8.5 or 9.

MOVIE: Burlesque was great. It was slow at times but then again it wasn't the official movie that was going to be released. They were still in the editing process so what we saw was the cut before the actual movie was released. I think the movie deserved an 8.5 out of 10. The dancing and vocals were killer. They made the movie so much fun. If I had to choose a couple of words to describe the movie to you guys I would choose... FUN, SEXY, and ENTERTAINING. It made me want to get up off of my seat and shake my tail feather. Oh and there is some sexy time between A & J.

OTHERS: The rest of the characters made the movie great too! I would like to call Kristen Bell's character a total BITCH! Julianne Hough was a complete sweet heart. Cher was like a mother figure, and well Cam Gigandet, was well the eye candy for most of the attendees, "BUTT" (wink wink wink) the rest of the men held there own and were a bit comedic too... The entire cast was just really fun. FUN FUN FUN!
XtinaStan's Review and Thoughts:
Hey guys...I'm not a liar. I was really tired last night and just wanted to get on and say something. But I dont really care if you dont believe me. I also didnt wanna make a big deal which is why I didn't start my own thread. Yall are crazy. Why do you think people would like? Anyway, I will give a brief account of my viewing. I drove on over blasting Bionic and got in line at Sony Studios with my friend. They pulled us out of the line to go to the front after asking us our ages, we are 30 and 33. I think they wanted to make sure they got our demographic. Anyway, we sign all this crap, literally, you will be sued 5 million dollars if any info is on social networks, etc. We were led through the studios to the theater. Some dude got up and announced that it was the first time the movie was seen by audiences and everything wasnt done. Movie came on. I was really loud when I first saw Xtina. My friends sshhhhsed me. Oh well. Karlos...Did u hear my inappropriate "woot!"? =) I did it to say hi. ha ha. Anyway, without going into detail I will say that once the movie actually got to the Burlesque Lounge, it had my heart. Everyone did. Every character. The musical numbers were outstanding!!! Ok. I think I can say all that. You guys will not disappointed I dnt think, especially if they listen to our suggestions but even if they dont, youll like it. We had to do this very long survey at the end about things we thought they should change, or things we really liked. I loved it and plan to see it again and buy it. Hope that helps guys. I know its frustrating but that paperwork is really scary.

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