Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Xtina-Web.Com, I'm Calling You Out

So it is no news to me that Xtina-Web.Com does NOT cite her sources. Especially when her posts come from @XtinaNews, @ChristinaVIP, and in my opinion, Christinas-BloGSpot.blogspot.com

We, here at Christina's Blo(G)Spot™, cite where we receive our information no matter where it is from, such as, @XtinaNews, @ChristinaVIP, or Xtina-Web.com itself. We believe in citing our sources 100% of the way, and feel no shame in plugging sites of quality, for we, here at Christina's Blo(G)Spot™, strive to be the best site for everything Christina related. This site is a collaborative effort between four gentlemen from different corners of the U.S. who believe in a place fans can escape to that is stylish, socially interactive, and above all, informative. In the past, Xtina-Web.Com has been called out by @ChristinaVIP for posting articles without crediting that particular source, and finally, through a series of persistent tweets by @ChristinaVIP, Xtina-Web.Com finally complied and even for a short period, offered a text link to @ChristinaVIP's twitter.

So, in conclusion, Xtina-Web.Com, we love you, but cite us, or whomever it may be, for we/they will most appreciate it.
"Autotune is for pussies" - Christina Aguilera

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could e-mail the webmaster and ask if they would cite you as a source?
    Provided they got the twitter info from you.
